Adhiraj Threatens to KILL himself on ‘Jeet Gayi Toh Piya More’

Here’s why…

Zee TV’s Jeet Gayi Toh Piya Morey has seen Adhiraj Rajawat (Krip Suri) at his lowest and it turns out there’s more of a dramatic twist to it. So Adhiraj gets ambushed by a bunch of goons and is beaten up brutally. This winds him in plasters and bandages. What happens next will result into Adhiraj wanting to kill himself.

And one of the goons will show up at the Rajawat home and reveal that it’s Adiraj’s mother who gave the order of the ambush. Devi (Yesha Rughani), Maa Sa along with the rest of the family and a police inspector will witness a shattered Adhiraj who wildly threatens to kill himself.

Looks like, the atmosphere will be quite gut-wrenching as he will struggle in pain with the on-lookers trying to stop him. Intrigued to find out where this situation leads?

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DS Hero: