Prem Chopra shoots for TV show

Veteran actor Prem Chopra, who appeared recently on Colors’ Comedy Nights With Kapil, is all set to make a special appearance on SAB TV’s Chandrakant Chiplunkar Seedi Bambawala (Namanraj Productions).

The actor, who is known for his villain avatar on screen, will share some light moments with the cast of the show.

As per the plot, Prem Chopra will come to meet his very good friend Gangaram Chiplunkar played by Shashikant Dwivedi. Seeing Chopra in the society, the Chiplunkar family and other members would get excited. They will give him sweets as token of love and appreciation.

The actor is shooting for the sequence today and it will be aired in the coming days.

Channel spokesperson confirmed the development.

DS Hero: