Tejasvani to chop Chakor’s wings in Colors’ Udann

The wicked Thakurain Tejasvani Rajvanshi (Prachee Pathak) will once again weave an evil plan to get Chakor (Spandan Chaturvedi) back in the village in Colors’ Udann.

As seen so far, Chakor is enjoying her freedom in fact she is also participating in sports like athletics but none of this is going well with Tejasvani. Hence, in the upcoming episodes she will make a vicious move.

Chakor’s parents would be visiting the city with their younger daughter to witness her (Chakor’s) final race but they won’t be able to reach the venue.

As per a reliable source, the bus that they’ll be traveling in will halt at Tejasvani’s haveli and she will order them to bring Chakor to her before the start of the race. In fact, she will take their younger daughter in her custody and tell them to get her freed by getting Chakor to the haveli.

Whether Chakor will get to participate in the final race or not is for the viewers to wait and watch.

When contacted Prachee she said, “There is an interesting track in making but you will have to wait and watch.”

Keep reading this space for more.

Categories: Udaan
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