Unraveling The Mystery Behind ‘Beyhadh’s Master-Mind…

The current track of Sony TV’s ‘Beyhadh‘ is probably in its best phase, where the mind of a viewer is constantly put to work as he/she witnesses some mind-boggling twists in every sequence. While suspense and mysteries on TV shows tend to get too obvious and predictable as makers have a set of consequences which they swear by (read abuse)… Beyhadh brilliantly breaks those cliche stereotypes by treating the viewers with some totally unexpected twists and turns. The show never ceases to amuse us with its exciting dose of eye popping sequences and jaw dropping drama!

The last episode ended on the same note where, once again, Miss Genius herself, Maya Mehrotra (Jennifer Winget) managed to outsmart everyone and win the court case, proving Ayan (Sumit Bhardwaj) to be guilty.

While the courtroom drama in the show didn’t even allow us to blink, by presenting some of the best television viewing, I put my mind at work to think of the possibilities of who actually could be the MASTER MIND behind everything… What blows my mind is that each and every character is so brilliantly crafted that each of them is equally capable of such ingenious plotting!

By now, we are all made aware of the fact that Maya’s mind starts thinking where probably ours gives up, so her chances of being the master mind are quite high… But what if there’s more to it than what meets the eye?

I put on my Sherlock cap and draw out some alternative possibilities and probable plots, centralizing a particular character wondering what if…

*Mastermind: Arjun Sharma (Kushal Tandon)

Game Plan: To trap Maya (Jennifer Winget) in her own web by sympathizing with her and winning her confidence only to catch her off-guarded and changing her game around at the last moment.

Motive: To get his vengeance for the torturous married life and teaching her a lesson for cunningly separating him from his friends and family.

Hint: Arjun’s SUDDEN shift of loyalty towards Maya after berating her time and again.

Well, it is not that simple to forget the torturous three years that Arjun has endured with Maya, is it? As confessed by Arjun himself, he lived a dismal life with Maya, post getting separated from his family. So, now that Maya was apparently’ raped by Ayan, Arjun is in full support as after all, a lady’s dignity is of utmost importance. However, Arjun understands and knows Maya too well to fall for her trap and knows that this would just be another game plan by Maya (as hinted already) and has his scheme set up too.

Understanding that Maya is not an easy nut to crack, Arjun has already faced a roadblock as Maya is able to prove that her bruises were real and the case has been won. However, things can get interesting if Arjun uses this to his advantage and use the complete confidence Maya has in him. Play the supportive husband and secretly focus on collecting evidence against her to save Ayan would be his motive now. What If all the hatred and animosity towards his family was Arjun’s game plan to expose Maya and he gets successful eventually. This would not be the first time, we would see Arjun turn vindictive as he changed colours when he married Maya initially only to showcase that he did so to have a luxurious life. Thanks to the esteemed company of Maya, it would be amazing if Mr. Goodman’ Arjun turns Mr. Vengeance’ himself.

Possibility Percentage – Arjun Sharma’s Plan – 60%

*Mastermind: Saanjh Mathur (Aneri Vajani)

Game Plan: What If Saanjh is aware about Samay’s ‘TRUE LOYALTY’ and is infact using him against Maya..

Motive: History speaks for itself

Hint: Saanjh’s NO REACTION face on Samay entering the court to testify against Ayan

Hasn’t it been absolutely refreshing to see Saanjh come out of the good girl’ closet and play a fierce and No-Nonsense lawyer in recent times? So, considering that Saanjh is not the quintessential girl-next-door anymore and is infact a lawyer, it would be safe to say that her mind can be on the path of being malevolent towards her enemies. The way lawyer Saanjh joined the dots in order to showcase Maya’s true nature to the court was quite applaudable. However, Maya being Maya was a step ahead and checkmated her in vintage Maya style. Also, not to forget, it was a surprise that inspite of her asking Samay (Piyush Sahdev) to not come to the court, he came and acted as a witness against Ayan.

So, what if, it was something that Saanjh prophesied and had it all planned. It isn’t a surprise that we have seen cases being won and then being challenged in court again, right? So, What if Saanjh has been aware about Samay’s ‘love’ towards Maya all this time and infact used him as a tool.

How’s that? Let me explain. She asked Samay not to come to court as shown to us, but what if she plotted Samay to win the loyalty points’ on Maya and let Samay testify against Ayan so that the verdict is in Maya’s favour. Now that, Maya is confident and thinks she has won and has Samay on her side, she can use Samay to understand and decode Maya’s mastermind, gradually collecting evidence against her. Now, why would Samay support Saanjh? The answer to that would be that even after showing unconditional and extreme love to Maya, he continues to get slammed, beaten and hated. This time Samay would finally loose his patience and become vengeful toward Maya. How can it get better than secretly supporting Saanjh and slamming Maya at the end. By letting Maya win the first bout, Saanjh would want to win the ultimate battle.

Possibilty Percentage – Saanjh Mathur’s Plan – 75%

*Masterminds: Janvi (Kavita Ghai) and Arjun Sharma

Game Plan: What If Janvi has been an ACTIVE Part of this whole saga since its inception.

Motive: For seeking her revenge from Maya for killing Ashwin.

Hint: Post that one moment of Maya asking her to stay in the room, Janvi hasn’t been there at all.

The last we saw of Janvi was when Maya pushed and locked her in a room asking her to stay in it and not interfere in anything. However, with ‘Beyhadh’ going on, we don’t expect things to be so simple’, do we? While the writers must already have a plan going on with Janvi’s participation in this saga, we have our own angle to it.

Janvi has been shown limited to a chair since the post leap storyline began. However, what If, Janvi was healed completely before the whole Maya-Ayan thing occurred? Or what if she was never bed-ridden and has been faking this all the while to escape from imprisonment of the murder charges pressed against her?

We witnessed how Arjun and Janvi share a sweet bond and Janvi has witnessed Arjun’ sufferings throughout those torturous 3 years. What If Janvi along with Arjun faked the whole still-limited-to-chair-and-vulnerable’ thing so that Maya believes she was in the room and did not come out. And what if Janvi is the trump card that Arjun would use against Maya…? Her involvement in the case would go on to filming and documenting the actual occurrence between Maya and Ayan.

Possibility Percentage – Janvi and Arjun’s plan – 80%

Well, these are the three possibly parallel plots to ‘Beyhadh’ which I feel, would be a treat to one and all. Of course, I know that none of them would really be accepted as they show Maya in the lost cause, but it would be great to see Maya loose a bout and win the actual war, right?

What did you think about the plotlines? Leave in your comments below..

Categories: Beyhadh